The World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine (WFSICCM) Başkanı Janice L Zimmerman tarafından Derneğin yeni logosu takdim edildi.
Başkan, mektubunda şunları kaydetti:
“Dear Member Society and professional colleagues,
I am delighted to announce that Council recently approved the adoption of a new logo for our organisation which is reproduced above. This is the first occasion where the visual identity of our Federation has changed since our formation in 1977. It therefore represents a significant event in our evolution and an important step forward in our modernisation agenda. The new logo will be used in all our communications with effect from August 1st 2018.
In the development of the new logo Council members worked very closely with a Creative Designer to capture the essential attributes and values of our global organisation. We wanted to clearly convey that we are global, we are inclusive, we are diverse and our mission is founded on encouraging collaboration and cooperation between all those involved in the delivery of intensive and critical care medicine. I hope you agree that the new logo visually portrays the important “glue” which the World Federation provides to bind together our speciality around the globe.
The adoption and launch of the new logo is just the first evidence of Council’s determination to ensure our organisation is fit-for-purpose, modern and responsive. More initiatives are planned including the launch of a new website and the greater utilisation of technology in our communications.
At the first World Congress in 1977 members of the General Assembly established some firm foundations for our organisation. Today, more than 40 years later, it’s time for our organisation to embrace change, to modernise and to move forward into an exciting future.
With my kind regards and best wishes,”